Sunday, December 13, 2020

Vanilla Fantasy Campaign with 1d4 Toppings

Enter the campaign

During the COVID-19 Pandemic I've become obsessed with the idea of running a "vanilla" fantasy campaign. The seed was probably planted when I tried and failed to complete the Gygax 75 Challenge earlier this year. Since then I've been reading old b/x focused blogs, old game recaps from the 70s/80s and anything else I could devour. I'm pretty excited to start but I'm gonna have to wait for the pandemic to pass to bring back the ol' home game. 

Here's some stuff I want to see out of this campaign I'm brewing:
  • A small homely town my players will get attached too. Then they (I) burn it down.
  • A Tent-pole (mega?)Dungeon.
  • A vast City-State in the background, maybe at war with another city.
  • A revolving roster of different characters as seen in Darkest Dungeons.
  • A OD&Desque wilderness. Low populations, vast wilderness, waring strongholds. 
  • A homebrew world that comes alive through play. 

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