Monday, May 6, 2019

Nábrók (Corpse Trousers)/Necropants

I was listening to the newest Last Podcast on the Left episode about Icelandic Sorcery and was inspired to make a magic item from one of the occult objects they talked about, Necropants.

-Nábrók (Corpse Trousers)/Necropants.
Allows the wearer to reach into their Necropants(the scrotum pocket) and pull a silver coin from it once a day. 1-in-6 chance to pull a gold coin. Works as long as the original widow's coin isn't removed.

In order to create a pair of Necropants a Magic-User must first complete the following ancient ritual:
  • Make a true male friend.(Why male? We need that scrotum pocket!)
  • Ask said friend to let you skin them from the waist down upon their natural death.
  • If yes, proceed. If no, make a new friend.
  • Wait until friend is buried, then dig him up and skin him. Make a relevant skill check to not damage it or hire a flesh tailor.
  • Once you have the skinned flesh of your friend, steal a coin from a poor widow.
  • Place stolen coin in scrotum along with a runic symbol.
  • Put Necropants on and bathe in goats milk under the moon.
  • Profit???
Congrats your now the proud owner of a pair of Necropants! Taking them off requires a Remove Curse spell.
These'll make a great addition to the magic items for sale at the Ghoul Market. Or make your insane Magic-User NPCs wear them. Anyways let me know what you think!

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