Green Devil Face
Written by James Edward Raggi IV, could be called the "unofficial official LotFP zine".
More info here.
Written by Daniel Sell of Melsonian Arts Council if that sounds familiar it's because its the same peeps who wrote the recent hit Troika! Lots of great stuff in this series, check it out!
O Povo do Buraco
Draugr & Draculas
More info here.
Issue # 2
Issue # 3
Issue # 4
Issue # 5
Issue # 6 (not available in PDF)

Vacant Ritual Assembly
My personal favorite fanzine, written by Clint Krause of the Red Moon Medicine show. The first issue has some great stuff I've personally used in my games such as the Ghoul Market and the weird NPC Vespero!
Issue # 1
Issue # 3
Issue # 4
Issue # 5
Issue # 6 (not available in PDF)

Vacant Ritual Assembly
My personal favorite fanzine, written by Clint Krause of the Red Moon Medicine show. The first issue has some great stuff I've personally used in my games such as the Ghoul Market and the weird NPC Vespero!
Issue # 1
Written by Daniel Sell of Melsonian Arts Council if that sounds familiar it's because its the same peeps who wrote the recent hit Troika! Lots of great stuff in this series, check it out!
Issue # 8 (I'm told Issue 8 is actually Something Stinks in Stilton, link updated)
Issue #10

Black Dogs' zine
Written by Davide Pignedole of DaimonGames, the first issue is a collection of the author's house rules for LotFP. Its always interesting to see how other people run their games. I'm finding the hyperlinks and holy shit this guy is on issue 7?! Already? I remember when this zine first came out a couple years ago. I gotta catch up, maybe do some reviews...

Black Dogs' zine
Written by Davide Pignedole of DaimonGames, the first issue is a collection of the author's house rules for LotFP. Its always interesting to see how other people run their games. I'm finding the hyperlinks and holy shit this guy is on issue 7?! Already? I remember when this zine first came out a couple years ago. I gotta catch up, maybe do some reviews...
O Povo do Buraco
Written by Carlos Silva and Gustavo Tertoleone O Povo do Buraco is a relatively new zine for Lamentations, I wrote about them here & here. Definitely pick them up, they have sweet portrait art for the magic items!
Draugr & Draculas
Written by Joshua LH Burnett(Bernie the Flumph), Draugr & Draculas was made with LotFP in mind and is packed with vamp stuff, an adventure location, a new class and lots of weird magic items. Check it out!
Reliquary (Scourge Books) is a systemless zine, in theory, but in practice, it includes some LotFP stats, and the author mentioned he wrote it for his own LotFP campaign. It's only two issues, but it's interesting. The PDFs are available on their Wordpress, but the PDFs are not listed on their main website, while the printed versions are on "coming soon" status.
ReplyDeleteThey were published a year ago, I don't know if there will be a third issue.
1: https://scourgebooks.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/reliquary-issue-1.pdf
2: https://scourgebooks.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/reliquary-issue-2.pdf