The Immolated save as Clerics, have d6 hit dice, advance as a Cleric, and have the AB of a non-fighter.
The following represents the Ritual of Conflagration*, after abilities scores are determined roll a d100 and consult the list below.
- 1-10% of Body Burned - The flames barely acknowledges your soul's ember, you must stoke the fire of your spirit before you are worthy of the inextinguishable flame. Minimal scar tissue, -2 to Charisma for 1d4 weeks as you recover from the flame's harsh judgement. Gain (1) Aspect of Fire. You receive Fire Aspects slower then your brothers & sisters, at every odd level starting at 3rd.
- 11-45% of Body Burned -The flames have shown an interest in you and have given their blessing. Your body bears the scars of fire -2 to Dexterity as the scar tissue slows your movement. Gain (2) Aspects of Fire
- 46-89% of Body Burned- The flames dance and caress your body, some of your extremities are consumed and turned to ash, you are the blessed and enlightened. -2 to Strength, Dexterity, & Constitution as the protective outer layer of your skin sloughs off, +3 to Wisdom as the flames whisper sweet nothings to your charred ear. Gain (3) Aspects of Fire.
- 90-100% of Body Burned- The flames rejoice as your entire body is doused, they refuse to return your body and you sing (scream) as your entire being is consumed and purified. You are the Inextinguishable Flame, and also dead, Create a new Character.

Rate of Fire Aspects gained:

Aspects of Fire:
- You may perform a number of Fire Aspects each day equal to your level.
- Roll 1d12 to determine starting Aspects & those gained at level up, roll again if you already have the Aspect.
- Fire Eater: You may consume fire as sustenance, you suffer no ill effects from the ingestion.
- Pyrokinesis: You can command fire to move or spread, equal to 10ft x level.
- Ignition: You are able to ignite a small portion of oxygen in the air and create fire.
- Ember: You can create a ember that illuminates the area, as per the light spell.
- Fireball: As per the spell. Damage equal to 1d6 x level.
- Cauterize: You are able to stem bleeding wounds without injuring the target, target regains 1d2 hp.
- Flaming Sword: With a touch you are able to ignite any metal blade which deals a extra 1d6 fire damage, lasts 1d4 turns x lvl.
- Cold Resistance: You are immune to the cold, you suffer no ill effects. Living creatures around you are always comfortably warm.
- Fire Breath: You spew searing fire from your charred lungs in a 15 foot cone, targets in cone take 3d6 fire damage, save for half.
- Will o' Wisp: You call upon your blessed brethren to take form as a Will o' Wisp, you may ask it one question and it will answer truthfully either yes or no.
- Blessed Immolation: A living target within sight is instantly engulfed in flames. 1d4 damage x lvl. Target saves or continues to burn each round dealing an additional 1d4 damage.
- Extinguish: You are able to sooth the rage of fire, snuffing it out. Make a save vs. Magic to put out something bigger than a campfire.
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