I was feeling lazy so I decided to steal an old post from my dead blog and update it here. I was pleasantly surprised to find the above scene, I dont even remember writing it.
Anyways the spell to summon a familiar has been done so many times already but I wanted to add my own take to it. I wrote this last year but here it is cleaned up & updated.
The following is a 1st level spell for Lamentations of the Flame Princess.
-Familiar Binding-
Throughout history witches & warlocks have taken beastial familiars as aids to their spellcraft. This spell allows the magic-user to bind a otherworldly entity into a contract, bestowing gifts of knowledge and power in exchange for sacrifices. The process takes 8 hours of constant chanting and spell weaving and must not be interrupted by outside forces. The spell must be cast at night.The entity requires a vessel to house it while it lingers on this plane. The caster must provide the corpse of one of the following:
- Hare
- Monkey
- Crow
- Lizard
- Snake
- Rat
- Cat
- Goat
- Toad
- Dog
- Owl
- Tarantula
- A child.
- A Beautiful person.
- A Hideous person.
- A Party Member.
- Burning of 500sp worth of incense. +1 to Save.
- Ritual Sacrifice of a sapient innocent. +1 to Save per HD of sacrifice(s).
- Burning of elaborate candles wrought from human fat. +1 to save.
- If successful, continue to the bargaining portion of the spell.
- If failed, the spell must be performed again from the beginning with fresh components.
The Bargain & Contract
Once contact has been established, the bargaining process begins. The player rolls randomly to determine the familiar's demands but may choose a boon.The Familiar demands...
- Blood fed from your breast, 1d3 hp's worth per week.
- Ritual Sacrifice of a Virgin, 1 HD's worth per week.
- No hair to be on your body, you must groom daily.
- One of your limbs which it devours once the bargain is complete.
- You only consume live insects for sustenance.
- Wealth, to be burned in ritual sacrifice. 50% of all treasure/income gained each week.
- Pain, you must inflict X points of damage to a human being each week. X equals your hit points.
- Your offspring(all of them, forever), if none your fertility, if none your genitals. Roll again if you possess none of these things.
- You worship it. You must dedicate an entire day(12 hours) to worship once a week.
- You always lie or tell the truth, flip a coin each day to determine.
- You consume the blood of a whore, 1 cup per day. (Diseases may apply.)
- You are always intoxicated. See Drunk rules in Rules & Magic book.
In exchange...
- You are able to use your familiar as a magical conduit, you may cast an additional spell per day without penalties, of any level.
- You get the Devil's luck, you may reroll any of your dice rolls, once per day and take the better result. Twice per day at 6th level & after.
- The familiar has denied your death, you resurrect 13 hours after you died in a nearby cemetery/graveyard. Roll on a Dismemberment chart and add that deformity to your body. You will only be resurrected a number of times equal to your Charisma score.
- Your left hand turns to gold. Anything you touch with this hand turns to gold.
- Your iris turns blood red when this ability is used, you instantly learn any spell you see cast. Save vs magic for each time you use this ability more than once a day. Failure means you go blind in one eye then the other if failed again.
- The familiar grants you the tongue of babel allowing you to be understood in any language.
- Your blood has healing properties for others. 1 HP worth of blood heals 1d2+1 hit points.
- Your familiar has stolen a angel's voice, you may cast the cleric spell Command once per day. Twice at 6th level & after.
- Your familiar revels in combat, you gain the Fighter's Attack Bonus and progression.
- You may cast Dispel Magic as the Cleric spell, once per day. Has no effect on the Familiar and it'll mock you relentlessly if tried.
- You gain supernatural beauty, +1 to CHA mod. You may cast Charm Person once per day without expending a spell slot.
- The familiar whispers demonic knowledge to you in your sleep. You gain 2 Skill points and have a 1-in-30 chance to gain a skill point each night.
Additionally having a familiar reduces all costs and time associated with spell research. This represents the familiar's knowledge as it aids your research.
-Final Notes-
- The Familiar is its own entity, not a slave to be commanded at will, it has its own goals and ambitions and should be played as such by the Referee.
- If the magic-user does not perform his/her's sacrifices, the Familiar will redact it's boon & bestow a curse it it's place. Only a great tribute please the familiar.
- If the Familiar is not given its sacrifices after a week it will drag its master to hell, killing them in the process.
- The familiar has HD equal to the caster's level and is immune to non-magic attacks. Should the familiar die it will reappear 3 days later in the same form it was summoned in.
- Breaching the contract with the familiar is a quest in of itself.
- Should the Caster be killed their familiar will explode into a summon spell equal to twice the caster's level and automatically be out of control.
Thanks for reading! Make sure to follow for a new post every week! Sometimes 2 posts!
I keep thinking about the poor dog....keep up the great work over here!
ReplyDeleteLol that poor boy. Thanks again!